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Serving Philadelphia and Surrounding Counties

Serving Philadelphia and Surrounding Counties

These reviews were shared on Yelp, and we are happy to share them with you as well. We are proud of our students success. Whether you are driving for the first time or looking to meet education requirements, we are happy to help.


  • Additional Driving Lesson - $100
  • Pay As You Go Lessons - $130
  • Teenage Driver Program - $300
  • Drivers Independence - $400
  • The Works All Inclusive - $600
  • Driving Lessons Prepaid - Free

License Test Pass Guarantee

All of our clients reach "License Test Pass Ready Status" and "Drivers' Independence" after completing (3) 2 hour driver training sessions. Then the student has our "License Test Pass Guarantee". This states if our New Student Driver is not successful with their first license exam attempt, we will take you back for your second attempt for FREE! You can pass your test at PENN DOT Driver License Centers with conviction and a little persistence using this school for your private driver training.

Refund Policy

After (3) business days from your initial sales agreement our Company, “DriveCentral LLC does not return any funds submitted by our consumers/student drivers for payment of any services or products requested by our consumers/student drivers at anytime after this (3) day period from your initial sales date and time of purchase.

It must be understood that we will always offer driving lessons when appropriate to compensate our consumers/student drivers for services. — NO REFUNDS ARE EVER APPLICABLE to solve disagreements of service of any kind, at any time.

If any time for a scheduled driving lesson has been used by the consumer/student driver in part or in full even if it is within (3) business days from your initial sales agreement please be aware that no refunds will be granted for any services rendered.

If cancellations are requested by consumer/student drivers via our website scheduling software or business telephone conversations with our sales agents within a 24 hour period each consumer/student driver must reschedule another driving lesson to conclude allotted time requirements for any package deal service selections made hence prepaid for services from DriveCentral LLC.

Any NO SHOWS or CANCELLATIONS for services previously scheduled/booked by our consumers/student drivers or sales agents which take place within the 24 hour period from the originally scheduled/booked driving lesson will be subjected to a CANCELLATION FEE of $50 for each violation of your agreement for service which has been agreed upon your action to prepay for services rendered by DriveCentral LLC. These a fore mentioned CANCELLATION FEES will be deducted from any prepaid payment balances remaining from package deal payments made in whole or in part by our accounting department.

DriveCentral LLC. makes a confirmation call 30 minutes before each driving lesson. If the student driver does not answer; we will not come to your doorstep until you confirm that you are having your driving lesson by telephone. This means that our driving instructors may not be able to make it on time to your driving lesson because it took time for you to return his/her confirmation call.

Our no refund policy was put in place to promote a published organized procedure for handling disputes. Please talk to management of this company if you would like due compensation on a business matter. Thank you for your concerns in these business matters.

These reviews were shared on Yelp and Google, and we are happy to share them with you as well. We are so proud of our students success. We've served many students with a safety first, affordable driving program. Whether you are driving for the first time or are just looking to meet education requirements, we are happy to help.