Examinations & Tests
Written Exams
There are NO written exams in this class.
Practical Exams
The practical exam is to test your personal mastery of the technical skills covered in the class. You will have to complete specific tasks in a constrained time period. You will be able to use textbooks and Websites, but not study guides, written notes, or files brought on disk. You will not be allowed to copy source code from existing web sites. No cutting and pasting from anywhere, please.
The practical is worth 20% of your grade and will be given the first class meeting of week 10.
TopAttendance & Participation
You are expected to attend every class. Missing just one class means you've missed a half week of material, which is 5% of the material for the entire quarter. If you absolutely must miss a class, it is your responsibility to find out what materials you've missed and to do the readings & exercises associated with that class.
Participation is more than simply showing up, however. I expect you to be an active participant in the learning process. That means asking questions when you don't understand a concept, helping others if you finish your work quickly, and being actively engaged in the class.
In-Class Exercises
Each class meeting will include one or more exercises and/or lab time. These may be any of a variety of activities from group discussion & planning to step-by-step problem solving exercises. From time to time your in-class work will be checked, and this will figure into your participation grade for the quarter.
Study Guides/Homeworks
When I assign additional out-of-class materials, these materials may include study guides, tutorials, and questions and answers or small tests. They will always be due at the beginning of the next class. Your completion of this material will also figure into your grade for the quarter.
TopEnrollment and Grading Issues
Last day to drop
For this quarter, you can add/drop a class on or before <<must look this up>>. After that date, you must withdraw from the course, which will show on your transcript as a "W".
Last day to withdraw
The deadline for withdrawing from a course with a "W" grade is <<must look this up>>. Forms may be obtained from the IT office, and must be signed by your instructor. Completed forms should be returned to the IT office no later than <<must look this up>>. After that date, a grade will be assigned based on the work that you have submitted.
Incomplete grades
You may request an incomplete (a grade of "I") only in cases where exceptional conditions beyond your control, such as accidents, severe illness, family problems, etc., have kept you from completing the course. You must alert us to these circumstances as soon as possible. Telling your instructor in February that you were sick in December is not acceptable.
Incomplete grades are not given to students who have simply fallen behind in their work.
If your request is granted, then you must complete the work for the course within the time limits set by the instructor. The maximum time to complete a grade of "I" is two (2) academic quarters. After that time, grades of "I" automatically become grades of "F".
TopAcademic Honesty Policies
Institute Policy
RIT has a specific policy dealing with academic dishonesty., which is available online at:
Department Policy
The Information Technology Department also has a specific policy dealing with academic dishonesty, which is also available online at:
It is extremely important that you understand what constitutes academic dishonesty. Please read the RIT & IT Department Academic Honesty Policies.
Additional Resources
Some students are not familiar with the requirements of documentation in writing, and with the difference between appropriate use of sources and plagiarism. The following sites provide excellent examples of how and when to document your sources. Please review these sites before turning in your first assignment:
- University Writing Lab: Avoiding Plagiarism (Purdue)
- Plagiarism: What it is, and how to recognize and avoid it (Indiana University)
- How Not to Plagiarize (University of Toronto)