Individual Midterm Web Project

Create an introductory UNIX tutorial website. All materials for this individual site must be written by you in your own words. You may not use anything from anywhere else at all. All graphics and visual images for this site must have been created by you. You may not use anything from anywhere else at all. In other words, this is a website that you make ... all by yourself. Did I remember to mention that you must make everything for this project?

The website should include at least 20 separate pages linked (that's 20 separate .html files, or the equivalent with permission of the instructor). You will be graded on your:

  1. basic design
  2. organization of information
  3. content
  4. navigation
  5. and use of XHTML & CSS (both text and positioning)

Include as a part of your project a separate linked "About" Web page or set of pages documenting what you have done in each and every grading category above.

Due not later than midnight of Wednesday of week 5 (20 percent).