This may come as shock to some, but when you have curly hair of type 3c or kinkier its better to wash your hair with conditoner as most shampoos have ingredients in them that strip the hair of essential natural oils. Believe it or not, there are certain ingredients in most conditioners that clean the hair and scalp well.
Detangle hair while drippin wet and with lots of conditoner. Ideally this would be while in the shower after washing. Divide hair into sections and wash and detangle section by section using a wide tooth comb or brush. After detangling, twist or braid that section to prevent it from getting tangled again.
Applying Heat
To maintain healthy hair, do not straighten hair often. When you do, be sure to use a heat protectant and use the lowest heat setting possible to get the desired effect. Be sure not to run over the same piece of hair more than once. This will cause even worse heat damage. When blow drying hair dont use the hot heat setting. Use warm, cool is even better, although it will take longer.
Sleep with a silk or satin scarf wrapped around your head or use a silk or satin pillowcase. This prevents a lot of breakage.