About This Site

Despite getting a late start I think I did well designing this site. I pay attention to detail so this took me a while to do. Settling on a background texture, fonts and layout were no simple tasks. I decided to go with a black and white color scheme because when using linux or any kind of command line those are the defaults. Command line in windows is white text on a black background as well as many others. Black layouts are also my favorite. I added a little color in the header links and navigation. For the title I used a monospace font for the header which is also recognizable when using command line interfaces.

I decided that my content would simply be basic unix commands since that’s the only aspect of unix I am familiar with. I grouped the commands into three categories. This is an aspect of the site I think can be improved upon. I need more content and I need to find a clearer way to organize it.

I have one form of global navigation and it consist of a menu to the left side of the screen. That is the only way to get from one page to another. There are also two links at the top to get to this page and back to my 409 home page. My navigation works but at times the titles are not completely clear. This will be improved in redesigning this site.

When I first started my site I used HTML 5. A day later I realized the extent to how unsupported it is in browsers other than chrome and changed to XHTML strict. I do not have a lot of code for html or css. This is a great accomplishment for me as when I first started designing websites I found myself using unnecessary code and a lot of deprecated tags. On this site all code is needed and it is done in a very simple way. No javascript, includes or anything fancy was used.