Access Rights
The three options for the access rights of file and directories (d) are read (r), write (w) and execute (x). An example of how they appear in unix as follows:
drwxrw-r-- 5 j f 50 Feb 03 1998 Desktop
-rwxrw-r-- 5 j f 10 Mar 31 2003 Documents
Directories are indicated with a (d). The permissions are in groups of three
To see the access rights of any of the files in a directory use the ls command. This time however you must add a special parameter like so:
ls -l
The l in this command stands for long listing.
If you are the owner of a file or directory you have the ability to alter a files permission settings.
The command used is:
You also have the option to add permissions(+), take away permissions(-) from any of three groups. User(u), group(g), other(o).
An example command looks as follows:
chmod go-rwx mysongs
This code is taking away the read, write and execute permissions from the person whom the file belongs and all others for the file called Mysongs.