To find out what files are in your current working directory type the following command:
However, it is important to note that this does not list hidden files that begin with a dot (.)
To list all files including the hidden files you need to add a parameter to the command.
You would type the following followed by pressing the return key
To make a new directory (folder) type the following command
followed by what you want the directory to be named
mkdir filename
After you press the return key, it will show no signs of having made the file,
therefore do a quick ls and that directory should be there.
To change to a different directory use the following command followed by the name of the
directory that you wish to go to. However, note that this simple command only works if the directory is within your current directory:
cd filename
Typing cd without any filename will always take you back to the home directory.
This is the go-to command is you ever get lost.
To navigate through directories and get to directories that are not within
your current working directory you will have to use the command cd with parameters such as the following:
cd .
cd ..
The (.) in unix means the current directory
The (..) in unix means the parent of the current directory so this will
take you up one level in the file systems hierarchy.
When using unix the first few times you may find yourself lost.
In order to figure out where you are in the system you will need to
find out your current working directory. To print the current working
directory type the following command:
Your full pathname should then appear
Another character which represents the home directory is the tilde(~) character.
For example you can use it in the following way
ls ~/anydirectoryname
It specifies paths starting at your home directory so you don’t have to list
all the folders in between the home directory and that folder